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this website uses cookies. Cookies are small text files which are saved on your computer temporary or permanently upon a visit on this webpage. The purpose of cookies is mostly to analyze the use of the webpage for statistical reasons as well as continuous improvements. If cookies are deactivated you might not have full access to all functions of the webpage.
google analytics uses google analytics, a web analysis service of google inc. ("google"). Google analytics uses so called "cookies", text files, which are saved on your computer and enable the analysis of your use of this webpage. The information generated by a cookie about your use of this website (including you ip-address) will be passed on and stored on a server of google in the unites states. Google will use this information to analyze your use of this website, to prepare reports on website activity for the website operators and to provide further services in connection with the use of the website and the internet. As the case may be google might transfer this information to third parties if statutory or in case of third party data processing on behalf of google. By no means will google put your ip-address in connection with other of google's data. You can prevent the installation of cookies through the relevant browser settings; we remind you however, that you might not be able to fully use all functions of the webpage. By using this webpage, you agree that the collected data may be used in the previously specified way as well as the described purpose.
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social networks
in some designated areas of we use plugins from the social network a plugin is a computer program that engages into another software product, expanding its functionality. the "i like button", which is integrated into our webpage, represents such a plugin. is an offer of facebook inc. , 1601 s. california ave, palo alto, ca 94303, usa. should you select a page from which contains an integrated facebook plugin, a connection to servers of facebook will be established. Only through the then initiated message to your browser the plugin will be shown on our particular webpage. bankers4nature explicitly outlines, that the with recognition of your browser the information of which of our pages you visited is automatically transmitted to facebook servers. should you as a member of facebook be logged into your profile, facebook will automatically allocate this information to your personal facebook-user account. the same applies for the use of plugin functions, e.g. by clicking the I like button or the annotation in the live-stream-widget. This information also allocated to your facebook user account. you can avoid that if you log out from facebook prior to visiting our websites.
detailed information on inquiries, storage and the use of data by facebook, the relevant excercising of your rights as well as the protection of your privacy can be found within facebook's privacy policy: facebook
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copyright pictures
many pictures were licensed and purchased about "CanStockPhoto". these images are copyrighted. A license is purchased directly at a very affordable price at "CanStockPhoto" on their homepage. there are many recordings available for every need in the offer. please do not copy images from my website. this is the meaning of the copyright holders.
(c) Can Stock Photo
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